FiveW-Wednesday (Where)- Photo Games, Season 3, Week 1

in PhotoGames3 years ago

Where is it?


About the photo

A recreation of a naval scene under a full moon... but where?



  1. For this FiveWs-Wednesday I would like you to guess Where is it?
  2. Only one guess per person, per post.
  3. No editing your guess - you have to commit!
  4. For this game you have until Friday at 11PM EST (unless someone guesses exactly correctly).
  5. Scoring: Is done using Hive Tips on your responses.
    My scoring will be:
    10 HIVE for the closest answer
    2 HIVE to the most creative incorrect guess



To see this week's photo stars and their games go to All active official photogames

The more games you play the more opportunity to move up the leaderboard.
Not competitive? You are welcome to play games at your leisure.


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Reminder all posts in C/Photogames are required to have a 10% beneficiary to @photogames.pool to increase the game rewards.

 3 years ago  

Let me guess.... Bath, Ontario?

and she is back!

 3 years ago  

lol... let's wait and see if the answer is correct before we call it like this ;)

dangit i was feeling good about my guess until @r00sj3 made a guess that wasn't my answer. Her guesses are scary accurate.

 3 years ago  

I'm a bit rusty though!! It's been soooo long :D

And of course you would get it!! That's the one! 😄😄😄

i think Skynet got it so will go with something else
Victoria, British Columbia

I can see why @r00sj3 thinks Bath, ON but the land across the water doesn't line up for me, I'm guessing somewhere further north along the St. Lawrence, so I'm gonna say the Kingston Yacht Club

Ah man, I love the effort, and honestly I didn't expect anything closer than Kingston anyway, but @r00sj3 had it right, it was just a ways further down the coast in Bath. It was hard to figure out from the street view images, I know. Props to your sleuthing though, you actually gave me a tough time double checking that it was in fact not the place you found, haha! I think it's only fair that I give you the creative consolation prize!

 3 years ago  

you're probably right... I didn't check my answer before posting it. Maybe @derekkind lied about his location ;)

@r00sj3 I spent more time than I'd like to admit looking up and down Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence looking for spots that fit the background across the river. 😅

 3 years ago  

@caseygrimley I was on my lunch break and frustrated after searching an entire evening for your location... and just went through @derekkind 's instagram to find this location. I should have researched it a little more... lazy me ;)

Oh no! I didn't think I'd posted this. facepalm Nonetheless, you did what needed to be done and you always find a way in Where is it Wednesday! 😅

 3 years ago  

@derekkind you didn't post this exact photo... but a photo with the same boat with a similar moon ;)

i even contacted a friend that knows boats :D he was sure that it was some kind of old boat festival as it is rare that amount of old boats on one place.

 3 years ago  

Yeah, it made me think of the Sail festival... if @derekkind wouldn't have posted it on his instagram, checking out where Sail has been would have been my next step

i am scared to even post next week :D

The ocean

 3 years ago  

Hello @derangedvisions, welcome to the PhotoGames community!

Please subscribe and follow/read the community rules on PhotoGames Community home page

To learn more about PhotoGames and how to play please read PhotoGames History and info about Season 3 which runs from May 17- July 12, 2021.

Enjoy the games!

Morro Bay California

Eastern Canada.


 3 years ago  

Halifax, Nova Scotia

in any sea of the pacific ocean, ready to disembark

I don't have a clue but just for the game's sake I'll give it a try!
Well most of your pictures are from Canada and it doesn't look like the ocean, so I'll guess it is at one of those big lakes at the border with USA.