Photographs of a day with purple flowers

in Liketulast year


A few days ago, I stumbled upon a garden of vibrant purple flowers and it was as if I had found paradise on earth. The sun was shining in the sky and the flowers were gently swaying in the breeze. I couldn't help but feel grateful to be there at that moment, surrounded by such natural beauty.

We often overlook the little details in life, the things that bring us happiness, joy that inspire us and make us feel alive.

That's why I decided to share these photos with all of you. I hope they remind you of the beauty of life and inspire you to appreciate the little things that surround us every day.

Hace unos días, me topé con un jardín de vibrantes flores moradas y fue como si hubiera encontrado el paraíso en la tierra. El sol brillaba en el cielo y las flores se mecían suavemente con la brisa. No pude evitar sentirme agradecida por estar allí en ese momento, rodeada de tanta belleza natural.

A menudo pasamos por alto los pequeños detalles de la vida, las cosas que nos aportan felicidad, la alegría que nos inspira y nos hace sentir vivos.

Por eso he decidido compartir estas fotos con todos ustedes. Espero que les recuerden la belleza de la vida y los inspiren para apreciar las pequeñas cosas que nos rodean cada día.

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Hey gracias por el apoyo @chessbrotherspro me anima a seguir compartiendo contenidos a esta blockchain. Saludos🤗

 last year  

A rare opportunity to see you with nature, and I like it!

Hello @elmerlin I'm glad you share this taste, I love nature, it is a great source of inspiration for me, from a delicate flower to the great mountains, the truth is that we live in a wonderful world with many colors, shapes and textures that can be expressed through art that's why I like to admire and enjoy it. Thank you for your support and for appreciating it greetings.🤗🌺

Hello @borbolet
That is a great set of photos. The purple flowers look amazing.
I am sure you had a great time taking these photos in the garden.
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Hey gracias por la apreciacion y por la invitación a unirme al hilo de leo, con gusto hechare un vistazo

Mana que flores más preciosas! Que color tan hermoso... Y muy buenas fotografías Amiga!

!discovery 25

Gracias amiga por el apoyo si lo dices tú que estés la dura en las fotografías es emocionante 💖

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