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RE: Let's talk dog nose a bit

in Liketu2 years ago (edited)

Exactly, their nose is something else lol. You just named it. Throughout domestication the nose developed even further. I hear you on the bomb stuff lol. Did you know that lately the worlds famous mine rat died? She got awarded with a tiny medal once, how cute is that please?

I'm going to inspect a possible new dog later today. A Husky mix, could need you as a dog handler to evaluate him lol.


Cool on the Rat, never heard of that one.
Yes Husky's and Malamute's can be a bit stubborn sometimes. Old saying amongst trainers is you train them with a 12 gauge and 2 x 4 lol. Really they are great breeds too, in the proper context.

Exactly, proper context. The chick just cancelled but all good. She just owns him for 3 months. The dog is said to be 5, not fixed, lived on a husky farm before. Little dog aggressive, hunting but from what I heard, not in the right context right now.

I don't get why people get themselves dogs they can't handle. I would not give a dog like that to a dog walker after 3 month. She doesn't even know her dog by now.

Oh well, she canceled due to sudden illness ;).

The rat is cool right? I followed her since she became famous lol and I owned rats myself. Awesome animals!

Dog/animal aggression common for huskies if not trained away from it. Very territorial.
You can keep your rats. Too many nightmares from Willard and Ben books/movies in my younger days. I know they are smart, but not for me thanks.