Evento de cosplay en Cinex

in Liketulast year

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Hace poco me contrataron como fotografo para un evento de cosplay, solo que no tenia autorizacion para subir el material hasta que la empresa de proyeccion de cine, Cinex, me diera permiso, ya que fue un trabajo que realice para ellos, y por fin puede mostrarselo a todos ustedes.

I was recently hired as a photographer for a cosplay event, but I didn't have permission to upload the material until the movie projection company, Cinex, gave me permission, since it was a job I did for them, and I can finally show it to all of you.

La verdad tuve la oportunidad realizar bastante material fotografico, lo mas seguro es que lo divida en dos partes para que puedan apreciar todo el talento de cosplay que existe en mi pais.

The truth is that I had the opportunity to make a lot of photographic material, I will probably divide it into two parts so you can appreciate all the cosplay talent that exists in my country.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu