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RE: Finally! Day 15 'Chap Goh Meh'!

in Liketulast year

Just noticed the black jazz guitar had a whammy bar, pretty unusual. Wondering how well it sound 😁

The fried 年糕 also looks very tasty Wei. Looks very gooey🤤


I don't even know that's a jazz guitar. Thought just usual bass guitar. Hehe. Not so knowledgeable in guitars... 🤭

Nian Gao nice... You can try at any I Love Yoo but I think can't compare with those at Petaling Street.

Biggest challenge with the caramel rice cake is, one will never know how gooey it is until it's melted. Not know if it's too sweet until you eat it. So, buying year cake can be a gamble 🤣

The jazz guitar I'm referring to, is the black Les Paul. They don't usually built with a tremolo with standard Les Paul built 😁 the bar was built there at the bridge, so when you yank it, it changes the tension rate, resulting in vibrato effect.