Village life of pakistan

in Liketulast year (edited)


Hi hive and liktu friends.
Hopefully all of you are fine. This morning when I woke up and after taking a bath I had my breakfast, I was sitting as per the routine and watching the news then I got a call from a friend in the village today. I was also getting bored at home and I agreed, so we decided to spend the whole day in the village. Anyway, I like village life more than urban life because there one can lead a very peaceful life and whatever things one has to talk about there is pure. Which are very useful for human health.

Our village is about an hour away from the city, so we decided to leave home at around eleven in the morning and we reached there by twelve o'clock. Going to the village, we saw people going about their business in a carefree life, they didn't care about anything. The best thing about living in a village is that people there go to sleep at 8 and wake up at 5 in the morning, here people in the city wake up very late. We saw that people are doing national work there and nowadays the saag season is going on so people are working on the sorghum crop. Here in Pakistan,

Saag is eaten with great gusto because what is lost after it is made is more delicious. After walking around for an hour we went to our place where we kept many things like some chickens and some other things like that. It is only after you see the place in the first picture that you are giving it that you will realize how relaxing it is. We currently have four to five types of chickens and chickens. All these things we have kept for our hobby, we are very fond of keeping such things. As we live in the city,

we have two boys to take care of them, who stay there day and night and take care of them. We make two rounds a week or a month. In it there is a cock which is of pure breed this cock is used for fighting in Pakistan here in Pakistan there are many people who do cock fighting and how many people do it on them. When such a cockfight is held, the entire village is called and after that the rahi starts, there is an Eid-like atmosphere, people are also playing drums. And the black chicken you are seeing in the picture is also a breed, it is also black in color, people here like to eat this kind of chicken very much because of the taste it has.

You all have to tell me which of these chickens you like the most. This black hen is my favorite hen. Things get stolen in the village and the people there can then keep dogs to protect them. We also had 3 puppies, how many puppies have been given today and her puppies are very innocent and cute. Now in the last picture you can see the kittens but she doesn't let anyone come near her at this time and whoever tries to come near her she attacks her. So for this reason I could not take a close picture of it. All you have to do is tell me in the comments which one you like more village life or city life.

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