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RE: brush her own shoes

in Liketu2 years ago

I love that you have instilled some good habits in cleaning SHOES from such a young age. Those shoes look so cool. I love a good pair of New Balances..she's got style! (If not, her stylist definitely does! 😇)

You really don't look like someone with a temper. Then again, looks can be deceiving. I don't think I'd want to see that side of you, thankfully, i'm not your daughter (or your husband) so that probably won't happen.

Not that I've got any children, but I noticed quite a shift of my emotional well being sometime around your age. I don't even know what triggered it, but I went from being short tempered, with little patience, to being the complete opposite. It's as if, I went from being emotionally unstable with extremely volatile moods, to being mostly apathetic. I'm definitely not depressed or anything, happy as ever, but just little nagging things stopped bothering - atleast to the same extent-

If you observe me on liketu, you might find I have my moments too. But it comes from a deep desire to see everyone in their best light, and when I don't, I just want to will them to being "better"

Tolerance and even empathy is key. Putting yourself truly in their position, and understanding the circumstances. How they would feel if you reacted a certain way to them etc.


Not so frequently to lose temper or I am going to be a despot, actually I am afraid my daughter will escape from me as well.

Everyone should heal themselves, but sometimes they use a bad or wrong method, I think this is a process for us to understand ourselves and the world.

The only thing I get to know is that the only way to get myself from the not so good emotions is to confront it by myself and try to find a way to solve the problem.

Just seeing someone showing their temper or emotions in front of you is much better than they do something bad in the back of you, lol~and thank you so much for all these words from you and I translate them with google translation in order to understand you well😀

Oh, I could reply to you in Chinese too if you like. But I would be much less eloquent with words. And then other people would translate my bad Chinese into even worse English, and then I look very silly!

English is well😆 your english is native standard, just some words not so sure, english is perfect, I can understand😘

Then I shall persist, and hope not too much is lost in translation 😄

👍please persisit, you are very perfect in english😛