Lana here!

in Liketulast year


Crazy Dutch Shepherd barking!

Woof, Lana here, the crazy Dutch Shepherd with more energy than a squirrel on a sugar high. You all know that I live with my BFF Myla, the sweet Malinois who has become really slow, and Skipper, who thinks he is the big and tough German Shepherd, but reality is, he's as sweet as pie to our Lady-boss.

I really haven't got time to woof you up to woof for a long time now. You see last year when I had the troubles with my lower back I really had to slow down. And that made me a bit depressed. I was not longer allowed to do what I love to do. And even if I wanted, I quickly had to admit, that I couldn't. And then the autumn and winter came. But time heals! And so my back seems to be healed for the biggest part, although Lady-boss keeps saying that she's taking it more easy with me. Lol! She can do so, but I don't!

I'm the fetch queen

Our Lady-boss is the best. She's always up for a game of fetch, okay, not when it's 3 am and she's half asleep. But she does like to play fetch. And that's where I come in. I'm the fetch queen. I could play all day and all night and never get tired. Myla's too old to woof up, but that doesn't stop her from trying. And Skipper, well, He's too big and not as agile as I am, so most of the time he loses out too.. I think he's secretly jealous.

I'll snarl and growl

But sometimes, things can get a little rowdy. You see, I'm a bit of a bossy-pants when it comes to my ball. I'll snarl and growl if anyone gets in my way. Myla usually knows to stay out of my path, but sometimes, she will get in my way and tries to woof my ball away. What the woof! And man, then we have Skipper! He can be a little dense sometimes. He thinks he can woof me down, but he doesn't know who he's dealing with. I may be smaller, but I'm fierce. And if he gets too close, I'll woof at his cheeks or his muzzle and send him running. He's a good sport about it, though. Seems he needed some time to learn, but now he knows who the real boss is.

Myla is the queen of the house

Myla may be slower than molasses, but she's still the queen of the house. She's almost 14 years old, but she can still hold her own. Sometimes, she'll even join in our game of fetch, but she never makes it very far. Oh well, she's happy just being a part of the gang. And I'll admit, we're happy to woof her, even if she's a little slower than us youngsters.

As for me, I call myself a youngster, but in reality I'm turning 13 in April! Although you'd never know it if I hadn't told you. I still have more energy than many younger dogs. My Lady-boss says it's because I'm stubborn as a mule. But what does she know? She's just a human. I'm the one with the real brains around here.

I'll have to slow down eventually

But as I get older, I know I'll have to slow down eventually. I see it when I look at Myla. She used to be very fast and strong. But she really has already started to take it easy, and I'm sure I'll follow suit sooner or later. Hopefully not for a long time! But for now, I'll keep chasing that ball with all the energy and enthusiasm a crazy, hyper Dutch Shepherd can muster. And poor Myla will just have to keep her distance. She may not be as fast as she used to be, but I'm still as wild as ever.

I'm wild and crazy!

After all, I'm Lana! The wild one! I'm a force to be reckoned with. Myla's the wise one, and Skipper's the big softie. And our Lady-boss is the one who has to keep us all in line. We may be a rowdy bunch, but we're a happy bunch. And as long as I have my ball, I'm the happiest of them all. So, that's life in our little corner of the world. How about yours?

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This is the bestest.


He woofs like a good fella

this dog is beautiful, you can see the years that have passed and that it is a great adult.

I am beautiful? I appreciwoof this compliment very much! And woof, I am a great adult. Turning 13 in April.

lolol why does it look like Lana is always just about to bite me for being so insolent as to look her in the eyes!?!?!?! I love that she is bossy about her ball lololol

I am so hyper, so driven, my look is just to tell you to throw that balllll, it's mine!

But I woof you in on a secret, I usually don't bite, although I am definitely not afraid to bite if needed.

Last photo is totally PRICELESS ❤️

We are priceless, I don't even think we are for sale ... hmmm, I have to woof with Lady-boss about that. Thank you for the compliwoof!
