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RE: Initiative: This is how I ended the MONTH OF FEBRUARY

in Liketulast year (edited)

It is big challenge to post all time , even I sometimes wonder how I was able to do it in the first 6 years on this platform, the seventh year I've taken calmly and maid less posts , since I'm not superman and I decided to relax a bit. Yes it is not easy to post all time something ... but when you look long rode back how you did it, it fil give lot energy to move forward.
Also this was help lot, I was stop use Instagram and Facebook and Twitter.. so I did not give them more my time to do something, so I had more time to be here :))


Yes you are right it is a great challenge, it is easy to say, but it is not, and when you get the taste, there is no one to stop you, like me, I only share everything here, in my other networks and not so much, hive is a vice and haha, thanks for the support, greetings.

Npr :)) .... I be more back soon :)