Call your mother

in Liketulast month


"Call your mother. Tell her you love her. Remember, you are the person who heard her heartbeat before you were even in this world."
I found these words on the Internet, but there is no author's name, so they are put in quotation marks.
Now I also found my mother's pictures when she was young. I also found my dad, but my dad died 18 years ago.
My mother has been living alone for 18 years, and for the last 4 years she has been alone and blind.
Every other weekend I go to her place in Loznica, and I call her 2 or 3 times a day.
I also found pictures when my sister and I were little. She is this curly, brown one, and I am this smaller, hairless baby, and in the second photo I have blonde hair. So I was somehow caught by nostalgia and sadness for the beautiful and happy days of my childhood that remained indelible in my heart and memory. Every now and then there is a day of the week and month, when I really have a hard time. Something tightens in my chest, but I push it out somehow, because as soon as I see my son's blue eyes, I wince and return to the present. He needs me, just as my mother needs me now that I am 54 years old and she is 89. That's life and life is beautiful.

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