Vacation in Antalya

in Liketu5 months ago


Hello everyone! Do you like to travel? Like it. One summer, my friend and I visited the resort town of Antalya, Turkey. They have the biggest beach in Turkey and it's called Konayti sahi.We sunbathed for a couple of hours, then we returned to the hotel and went to the spa center, and there was also a swimming pool in the courtyard of the hotel, which delighted me.We also went shopping, you know that Turkey has everything, and believe me, the night life is also good. I also have photos from the dance in the cafe. Now I will show you from the beach and the hotel. Write if you like it

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@adm ,
Please stop the automatic downvote, my account is not blacklisted and the content and photos are mine. please

Apparently, only @buildawhale downvote remains. That downvoting scheme is run by @themarkymark, as explained here:

Thank you for your help, I've tried everything, now it depends on them, although I don't hope they will stop