My Introduction Post For Liketu

in Liketu2 years ago (edited)


Hello all friends

How are you? Hope it's okay. Even though this is still a pandemic period, I hope all of you are well, I want to remind you again that we must be disciplined in carrying out health protocols. Because the corona is still there and hopefully we can all get through this pandemic.

Honestly, this isn't the first time I've written on the HIVE BLOG, but it's the first time I've written in the #liketu community. And I have been active on this platform since October 21, 2021, I know this HIVE platform because my friend @mirz has written on this platform first. I and @mirz are colleagues in a government agency in charge of health issues, more precisely we work at RSU Cut Meutia which is located in the province of Aceh.

Hopefully this will be the beginning of success for me by using writing as a means of knowledge and stories that I can share with all my friends on this platform. Apart from that, I also have a hobby of photography which I can share with all my friends on the HIVE platform.

Almost forgot, I haven't introduced myself. "Don't know then don't love", more or less that's the old saying.

Introduce my name is MUHAMMAD IQBAL BIN ABDUL MUTHALIB, I am often called "IQBAL". This is the name I received from the people on the trip where I lived. But if I'm in the neighborhood where I work, I'm often called by the additional name of the unit I'm assigned to. For example, I currently work in the Emergency Unit, so the nickname I currently receive is "IQBAL IGD". It's funny, but that's the truth guys.

I was born on Monday, June 20, 1988, the eldest of three children, all of whom are boys. My first brother, MUHAMMAD BQIHAQKI, is 31 years old, while my second brother, MUHAMMAD ZIKRULLLAH FIFNANDA, is 28 years old. Yes, it's true that I was born as the first child and the eldest brother of my siblings.

Turning to education, I went to primary school at SDN 1 Blang Mangat, then continued to study religion at MTS Ulumul Qu'an, Langsa. which is far from the district where I live. Then he continued his education at MAN 1 Lhokseumawe. And after completing 9 years of compulsory education, I finally studied at the STIKes Muhammadiyah Lhokseumawe college, which is in charge of health sciences. And finally I got through all of this and I finally got to work. In 2011 I was accepted to work at RSU Cut Meutia Lhokseumawe until now.

I already have a wife and a very cute child, now he is 2 years old. She is very cute and beautiful like her mother. At the age of 2 years, he is very active, likes to run and jump, so we as parents must be vigilant in caring for and teaching him.
That's a brief introduction from me, I hope this all can describe me. Thank you for stopping by my first post on #liketu, see you in my next post..

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Welcome to liketu iqbal. Looking forward to seeing more stories from you.

Thank you for the welcome, nice to get a direct welcome from @elmerlin. I hope I can share interesting pictures that you like in the #liketu community. if you don't mind give me a little suggestion what things I can share in this community.

Welcome to liketu brother iqbal.

Thank you, greetings from me. hopefully can share interesting things in this community.

We are waiting for him.