Weekends are for letting the ears down

in Liketulast year


Weekends are too short regardless of what you plan on doing. Mine tend to get even shorter with some weekend work in there, stealing more of the free time. The thing with the weekends is you want it all and in the shortest amount of time.

When the sun is out, you know the garden wants some love with all the weeds growing faster than you could even want. You know school needs some love because the year is almost over. You know your deadline for the exam you have planned needs some loving since you have to print this book in your head. You know you want to also do some social stuff. You know you also want some chill time. And somewhere you also know you want to do something on the blockchain, see if pepe is failing again or the corn blasted through 30K again or maybe that it tanked over the weekend and also maybe write something on Hive because we can.

Argh! It is all too short and all too cramped and my main problem is…I want it all!

I really need to take more of an example of this bad boy right here. Just look at him chill and just let time pass by. When something produces a sound only the ear moves and nothing else. He literally just doesn’t care and I envy that. Fair enough, doggo doesn’t have any tasks to do. I need to get my planning a bit less tight. In about a couple of weeks this will get a lot better and I am looking forward to it.

On the other hand…I do enjoy having these kinds of tasks. I just need to let the ears down every now and then and also take a moment. But before that….It’s time for some weekend work again.

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