Aceh Historical Building : Krueng Daroy

in Liketu2 years ago


Who does not know that Aceh has so many stories recorded in history books and even world history. Aceh has always had ins and outs that not many people now care about, but it has become a legendary history for their ancestors. From sultanates to Indonesian colonialism, Aceh has always had an important history in it.

Likewise with this place, a place that has the history of the building. Krueng Daroy (River Daroy) is the name of this place, a place that has so much history stored from the beginning of the Iskandar Muda sultanate. This place is not only synonymous with the river, but also with the park around the river. Now it has become a tourist destination. Many people visit historical places to get to know more about history and some are just taking photos. I have visited many tourist attractions, but I purposely took the time to visit historical destinations so that I could know more about the history of my homeland.

As usual, I always travel with some friends. Whether it's just hanging out at a coffee shop or taking a little trip with them. Even though sometimes we have more time to work, we still maintain our friendship from the first.

In addition to the beauty of rivers, parks and pedestrians, Taman Krueng Daroy also features murals that tell the history of Aceh education. Murals about this history are deliberately displayed so that the younger generation does not forget the history of their predecessors. Coincidentally, the first stage of Taman Krueng Daroy is adjacent to Taman Putroe Phang, which is loaded with historical stories, namely the love of Sultan Iskandar Muda to his Empress Putri Kamaliah (the people of Aceh call it Putroe Phang) from the Kingdom of Pahang. To cure the Queen's longing for her hometown, Pahang, the Sultan then built a garden whose formation resembled the hills in Pahang. The second stage of Taman Krueng Daroy ends at the Teuku Umar Mosque, a religious tourist spot in Banda Aceh.

Actually, if we discuss history, there is too much history that never ends if we talk about the history of Aceh. But let's just say this is a little history from Aceh which I summarize in this section.

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