Boats on the Glenmore Reservoir

in Liketu3 months ago


The Glenmore Reservoir, located in southwest Calgary, is a scenic man-made reservoir that serves as a vital source of drinking water for the city. Spanning over 3.84 square kilometers, it offers a picturesque backdrop for outdoor recreation, including sailing, kayaking, and paddleboarding. Surrounding the reservoir is the Glenmore Reservoir Pathway, a popular trail system for walking, running, and cycling, offering stunning views of the water and the city skyline. With its tranquil waters and abundant green spaces, the Glenmore Reservoir is a beloved recreational destination for Calgarians throughout the year.

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Amazing capture 🤩

Lovely photos of such dramatic sunset! Very quiet and calming water.

These photos are a spectacle of our planet Earth, Thanks for capturing them and sharing them with us

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