Birthday 🎂 Celebration for my Son

in Liketulast year


As a mother, it's always a special day when I celebrate his birthday. He turned 9 this year and it seems like yesterday when he was born but time flies and we don't realize how fast it flies.

My second kid is also 5 months old now and in this photo, he is sleeping and doesn't even know what is happening around him. It's the first time I am sharing his photo here. I am happy to have both my lifelines with me and life is really beautiful with them. We visited this restaurant for the celebration. In fact, it's the first time I went outside since the day he is born and I am not that much comfortable as it has been a long time since I went out to visit the hospital only. I feel like traveling more and visiting places now so I would be doing this and trying to share some photos here.

Also, it's been more than 1 year since I posted my first-ever post on @liketu and now I'm back to share another. I will be trying to get more active and share some photos that you may like.

Thank you so much
Staty Safe

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Happy Birthday to your son!!!

Great pic of you and both your boys. Wishing all of you all the best! :)

Thank you so much for your wishes.
Namaste 🙏

congratulation and happy birth to your great son
may Allah bless him every success in every field of live, may he live long ameen