Precious Moments

in Liketulast year


I love to go outside with my kids and this is the time that I always enjoy. My second baby is now 6 months and he started eating a bit. Here is the photo where both are having fun and the elder one is helping me a lot to manage the little one. My last 6 months were so busy because it takes time to do many things when we have a small baby. I have not been working for almost a year (regular job) because of the new member of the family and hopefully, the next 6 months are going to be the same. We had food together and had a fun time. Here is one of the photos that I am sharing.

I enjoy every moment with this little boy and I don't want to miss anything. Now my kid turned 6 but I don't like to outside without him so I am planning to follow the same schedule for the next 6 months and then will see what should be done. Life is what we make and I am happy with whatever it is now for me.

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

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My last 6 months were so busy because it takes time to do many things when we have a small baby.

Yet you are so committed to your daily personal schedule. Motherhood is not that easy considering the depth of its responsibility. Motherhood is always special.

Your kids are really cute. God bless you and your family.

Have a great day.

Motherhood is not that easy but its fun and I enjoy each moment. Thanks for your nice comment.