A home-colony

in Liketu2 years ago


I've started to build my home to look like me for a long time. I can't get more squares, no more storage space or my own warm storage, so I'd have to "machine" a lot of things. It's just really hard for me, even though I love the idea.

I think that when there's turmoil and chaos in your head, it's easier for chaos to take over your home. I would argue that I also have some ADD traits in relation to this organizational problem of mine, which I was diagnosed with in adulthood, although they didn't show up as much in childhood.

Instead of changing squares or personal/home premises, I now focus on putting little nooks and crannies around my home that look like me and making my home a safe, comfortable "nest" for myself. A home-colony.

Not all apartments will ever become homes. What makes a home a home for you?