Caesar salad craving on a hot afternoon 🥗 Antojo de ensalada César en una tarde calurosa

in Liketu5 months ago


It's good to be with you again.

Today I want to tell you about an experience I had with my daughter when I took her to the endocrinologist. Actually it was when we were leaving the doctor, we felt hungry and we found a small but very nice and elegant restaurant and decided to go in. I don't remember the name of the place (oops) but my daughter and I had a great time.
When it was time to order, Victoria, my daughter, confessed to me that she was craving Caesar salad. We ordered one for her and I, being a keto person, ordered a plate of eggplant with cheese and tomato.
We were served the food, but while my daughter was tasting the salad, which by the way, was very tasty, she commented with embarrassment that there was a very long hair on her plate. That was enough for her not to continue eating. So I went to the waitress and after verifying that it was not my daughter's hair, they agreed to replace the food.
After that awkward moment, we went back to enjoying our food. And when we finished, the waitress surprised us by placing a portion of quesillo on the table, which is a Venezuelan dessert. It really was a surprise, and it was the perfect apology after everything that had happened. It was really all good.

So, that's it for today, friends, until another blessed opportunity.

Qué bueno estar de nuevo con ustedes.

Hoy quiero contarles una experiencia que tuve con mi hija cuando la llevé al endocrino. En realidad fue cuando salíamos del médico, que sentimos hambre y dimos con un restaurante pequeño pero muy bonito y elegante, y decidimos entrar. No recuerdo el nombre del sitio (ups) pero mi hija y yo lo pasamos muy bien.
A la hora de pedir, Victoria, mi hija, me confesó que tenía antojo de ensalada César. Pedimos una para ella y yo, que ando en la onda keto, pedí un plato de berenjenas con queso y tomate.
Nos sirvieron la comida, pero mientras mi hija degustaba la ensalada, que por cierto, estaba muy rica, comentó apenada que había un pelo muy largo en su plato. Eso le bastó para no seguir comiendo. Así que me dirigí a la camarera y tras comprobar que no era el pelo de mi hija, accedieron a reponer la comida.
Después de ese momento incómodo, volvimos a disfrutar de nuestros alimentos. Y al terminar, la mesonera nos sorprendió colocando una porción de quesillo en la mesa, que es un postre venezolano. Realmente fue una sorpresa, y fue la disculpa perfecta después de todo lo ocurrido. Realmente todo estuvo bien.

Hasta acá por hoy, amigos, hasta otra bendita oportunidad.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu