A delicious pomegranate in the afternoon (Eng-Esp)

in Liketulast year


Hello friends greetings to all members of this community, today I wanted to share with you a delicious pomegranate that I was given, this pomegranate is from a small tree that a friend has and as I was in her house she gave it to me to taste it, but I still took pictures to show you how beautiful this fruit has great health benefits.

The pictures were taken with my Redmi 9, with the main rear camera and the macro camera.

Hola amigos saludos para todos los integrantes de esta comunidad, hoy quise compartir con ustedes una deliciosa granada que me regalaron, esta granada es de un árbol pequeño que tiene una amiga y como estuve en su casa me la dio para degustarla, pero igual le tome fotos para mostrarle lo hermoso de esta fruta que tiene grandes beneficios para la salud.

Las fotografías fueron tomadas con mi Redmi 9, con la cámara principal trasera y la macro

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