Playa Palomino Colombia - se acepta criptomonedas

in Hive Mexico • last month (edited)

Playa Palomino esta a 3 horas de Barranquilla en auto. En Santa Marta donde hay varias playas bonitas y remotas. Para llegar hay que caminar una parte y/o tomar un mototaxi. Los autos no cruzan y las calles no están pavimentadas.
Al cruzar por la calle principal encontré un letrero "Crypto acepted" y por la noche regrese a conocer. Un buen bar con buen ambiente.






Playa Palomino is 3 hours from Barranquilla by car. In Santa Marta where there are several beautiful and remote beaches. To get there you have to walk part of the way and/or take a motorcycle taxi. Cars do not cross by and the streets are not paved.
When crossing the main street I found a sign "Crypto accepted" and at night I returned to see the place. A good bar with a good party.
