
3b: Continue until 500 and send the sum collected so far to @peakd to support their awesome work for Hive.
In turn @peakd could create a special Hive torch badge and give it to the Hivetorch keepers so far and all future ones. After 500 vote again.

3a: Add the sum to the price pool of the ongoing Hivechess tournament
This is an online chess tournament with chess players from all the world, regardless of Hivers, Steemians, or Blurtters

cool, congrats on reaching 333, donate / distribute the sum to several decentralized #hive #meetup groups around the world like DACH, Hive Austria and other meetups who like to participate.

Please nameit as 3.c The more specific the better! It is rather fuzzy for now. How it should be distributed, and which accounts?

Just an idea for discussion, if other support it, I will help find the accounts. @manncpt @louis88 @satren

3C I believe?

We at @theterminal welcome new users to the Blockchain, but notice many times, that these new members aren't getting HIVE Power Delegations.

I'm the P.R. Moderator for @theterminal and wonder if we couldn't perhaps use a portion of this to either:

  • Delegate a portion of the HIVE to help us support new members.


  • Use a portion of the HIVE to offer a specific Delegation amount (I normally delegate 25 HP to those without, with strict requirements of proper source, content creation etc) then once said member is on their feet, I pull the Delegation for the next member.

In NO way trying to be greedy. Just an option to help spread positive energy on the Blockchain.

I am Wes Philbin #5391 on Discord.

Good idea, but probably very few will see this. I think most people want to continue until 500 transfers. I will in the meantime collect all suggestions including this too!