in Sound Music2 years ago

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Hello everyone it's good to have me here again on this great community we are we share music for fun, life, love, and the things that we love doing.

Some time ago my great friend and hive @celticheartbeat what's happened idea of me doing part of the song that is in the sweet by-and-by done by Dolly Parton.

It's a very popular song most commonly known within the Christian Community and I totally jumped on the opportunity to sing that song on hive. I'm very sorry I have not had that chance to fulfill that promise for a long time .

I'm sure Celtic will be happy that I eventually heeded his request, I'm sorry it took so long.

In the sweet by-and-by is a song of hope and one that give strength when we can see that that we are not going to die and end it all her after that there is a life on the other side. Everybody has a bye and bye because we are eternal spirits and spirits do not die.

Fhe flesh is what fades away just like every other thing on the earth will. But the thing we are made of which is the spirit does not die and that is what will go to the by and by.

At that place is going to be sweet place and it will also be a place where we will see our self on a beautiful shore (across the river).

To everyone who has a hope in them that death is not the end this song will have a lot of meaning to them.

We rejoice at the knowing that when we die, we still continue to exist even though we are separated from people here we are United with people over there as well. And I say this week no fair at all because everyone here must know that death is inevitable, it is a price of Master p to drop this flash that we were and continue on our journey into eternity.

I tell friends that life is short however eternity is too long to be lost in.
Hence we are to live our life circumspectly here on Earth because there is a better place where we will reign in life.

I'll leave you now to enjoy the song and also share it and give an upvote or comment in the comment section.

Thank you

As Sung by Dolly parton

There's a land that is fairer than day
And by faith we can see it afar
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there

In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore
In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore

We shall sing on that beautiful shore
The melodious songs of the blessed
And our spirit shall sorrow no more
Not a sign for the blessing of rest

In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore
In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore
In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and by
In the sweet by and by, oh


Thank you for watching.

the rewards on the supposed to be shared with the requester of the song this one being @celticheartbeat.

Thanks for this beautiful requested a beautiful song as well.

Feel free to comment no comment section and also feel free to make a request for the song preferably a Christian song that you would like me to play for you and I will go through them all and choose one to do next week.

Thank you.


Hola a todos, es bueno tenerme aquí nuevamente en esta gran comunidad que somos, compartimos música para divertirnos, amar la vida y las cosas que amamos hacer.

Hace un tiempo mi gran amigo y colmena @celticheartbeat que paso idea de mi haciendo parte de la cancion que esta en el dulce by-and-by hecho por Dolly Parton.

es una canción muy popular de la única conocida dentro de la comunidad cristiana y aproveché la oportunidad para cantar esa canción y colmena. No he tenido la oportunidad de cumplir esa promesa durante mucho tiempo, ¿no es así? Recientemente, puedes ver que ya es demasiado tiempo.

Estoy seguro de que Celtic estará feliz de que finalmente encabecé su solicitud, lamento que haya tardado tanto.

En el dulce paso a paso es un canto de esperanza y uno que da fuerzas cuando podemos ver que no vamos a morir y acabar con todo ella después de que hay una vida al otro lado. Todo el mundo tiene un adiós porque somos espíritus eternos y los espíritus no mueren.

el destello es lo que está a unos pies de distancia, al igual que cualquier otra cosa en la tierra. Pero la cosa de la que estamos hechos, que es el espíritu, no muere y eso es lo que irá poco a poco.

Ese lugar va a ser un lugar dulce y también será un lugar donde nos veremos a nosotros mismos en una hermosa orilla (al otro lado del río).

Para todos los que tienen la esperanza de que la muerte no sea el final de esta canción, sino que tenga mucho significado para ellos.

Nos regocijamos al saber que cuando morimos, seguimos existiendo aunque estemos separados de la gente de aquí, estamos unidos con la gente de allá también. Y digo que esta semana no es justa en absoluto porque todos aquí deben saber que la muerte es inevitable, es un precio del Maestro p para dejar caer este destello que fuimos y continuar nuestro viaje hacia la eternidad.

Les digo a mis amigos que la vida es corta, sin embargo, la eternidad es demasiado larga para perderse en ella.
Por lo tanto, debemos vivir nuestra vida con circunspección aquí en la Tierra porque hay un lugar mejor donde reinaremos en vida.

Los dejo ahora para que disfruten la canción y también la compartan y den un voto positivo o comenten en la sección de comentarios.


Cantada por Dolly Parton

Hay una tierra que es más bella que el día
Y por fe podemos verlo de lejos
Porque el Padre espera en el camino
Para prepararnos una morada allí

En el dulce poco a poco
Nos encontraremos en esa hermosa orilla
En el dulce poco a poco
Nos encontraremos en esa hermosa orilla

Cantaremos en esa hermosa orilla
Los cantos melodiosos de los bienaventurados
Y nuestro espíritu no se afligirá más
No es una señal para la bendición del descanso.

En el dulce poco a poco
Nos encontraremos en esa hermosa orilla
En el dulce poco a poco
Nos encontraremos en esa hermosa orilla

En el dulce poco a poco
Nos encontraremos en esa hermosa orilla
En el dulce poco a poco
Nos encontraremos en esa hermosa orilla

En el dulce poco a poco
En el dulce poco a poco, oh


Gracias por ver.

las recompensas en el supuesto que se compartirán con el solicitante de la canción, siendo este @celticheartbeat.

Gracias por esta hermosa solicitud, una hermosa canción también.

Siéntase libre de comentar en la sección sin comentarios y también siéntase libre de hacer una solicitud de la canción, preferiblemente una canción cristiana que le gustaría que toque para usted y las revisaré todas y elegiré una para la próxima semana.


▶️ 3Speak


Wow this was a nice surprize to hear today.

Your voice suits this kind of song very much. Smooth ,sweet vocals over and nice relaxed melody on the guitar. Its soothing and calming to listen to.

Once again you bring us a very impressive cover of a beautiful song.

I would say this one would be very well appreciated if you ever get a chance to sing it in Church , perhaps at some sort of Christmas gathering. You might even have some of the church congregation crying with such sweet vocals.

Well done bro ,its very impresive!

Hahaha.. I get the crying listeners often. Thanks so much. I m hoping for a huge vote for a 50:50 with you.

Hi Celtic.. I m not sure how to share this payouts really, the price have just been fluctuating.. I wish I had set it automatic.

No worries bro , you did a good job with the song you can keep the rewards but I appreciate the thought of sending me some.I will try and think of new songs for you to cover next week.

Hey there @jaydr

You are doing songs on requests? That must be also challenging, also because you have to find time to learn it and record, and then the question will the requester like the cover or not hehe. But I am sure you will always do great, as now too!

Well.. I m going to have to choose an easy one hehe.. and if it's Christian, then its gonna be easier for me .. I hope hehe.
Just another way of having fun and making friends on hive. And they get a share 😂 of the rewards.. lol.

I beleive the act of finding time to do the things you love is a blessing.

A quick question.
Does the 3speak platform rewards sharing work? I couldn't use it for this post cos I wasn't sure if it works.

Thanks so much for your support.

 2 years ago  


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