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RE: Zaragoza 1st Meet up through local food | La Casa de las Migas [Eng][Esp]

Now, THIS is a real gastronomic report and review and experience! Gosh, I see I called by mistake the Migas con longaniza aragonesa as Migas con chorizo 😂
Let's pretend it is the same haha.

The controversial dish - proudly I confess that I tried it and that I am still here, alive :)) It was interesting, to be honest! 👌

I liked everything but the most I enjoyed was the pollo al chilindrón. It tasted like heaven! And no, we were not hungry after this, maybe the dessert would be just too much!

Look, the trenza! I am eating right now the last piece!!


It was a cool meeting, I am glad we had to come to Zaragoza so you all Hivers from that city now can meet regularly and share food like this {and I will be jealous, at home hahaha}

Great post, niña de la selva! 😍


Hahaha thank you so much for that enthusiastic acknowledgement! I loved reliving that dinner, it made me want to go back to the place to eat hahaha.

As for the chorizo thing it's ok, now you'll always remember that there's a different cured sausage here hahaha when everything is new it's very hard to remember what's what.

The controversial dish - proudly I confess that I tried it and that I am still here, alive :)) It was interesting, to be honest! 👌

I am happy then and very proud that none of you refused to at least give it a try. I'm glad you got an interesting reference of this dish hehe. Diversity is what makes things better.

Aww what a thrill to see the photo haha if it's already over it's because you liked it, how nice! ❤️

How curious and funny that you didn't overlook the selva thing hahaha I hadn't remembered that in a long time. xD

Everyone remembered that very well... You are now marked as "Niña de la selva" forever! 😂



Always have been, always will be. 🙃