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RE: Thank you HiveBeeCon, thank you Krolestwo, thank you Krakow!

It is so beautiful to read your thoughts about the meeting and what you think of each one of those who participated or a good part of those you met, I am happy for you and @evelynchacin that you met, I feel excited for both of you and it is very funny, since I don't know you in person either, but I feel special affinity for Evelyn and I follow her path since she was in Venezuela and they gave her passport and she was looking for opportunities in the embassies hehehehehe, how fast time goes by.

If I had been there when @mipiano played we would share the embarrassment together of the applause, I have been through this grief before hehehehe.

You are very sociable you had time to share with many people, I wish that the next days are full of happiness and harmony to receive your baby @phortun 😉


Hola amiga! Thank you so much for reading this long post :) Yes, I have been also following @evelynchacin for a long time. I think I first stumbled on her blog when she posted some photos from Colombia because I was there too. I think it was Medellin. Been following her since then but I would never imagine we would meet face to face here in Europe, what an amazing story :)

Haha I wish you were there with me to get embarrassed with inappropriate aplaus :D Saludos!

It's true! I remember some of your comments in my posts from Colombia, and the world is so small and crazy hahaha.

What a nice friend! Thank you for being happy for us! Ohhh it's true! I can't believe you remember that! In fact, if they had accepted my UK visa I wouldn't be here in Poland and it wouldn't have been possible for us to meet or at least not now. @phortun is an amazing person!

Oh really? You tried to apply for other countries too? I thought you came to Poland because you met Pawel in Colombia. I didn´t even ask you about how you guys actually met, I´m sorry! Now I´m curious haha :D

It's true, and it's a bit of a long story my friend. When we met Pawel was living in England, so we were going to live there but they denied my visa and our plans took a big and fast change. Then we decided to come to live in Poland because here I didn't need a visa and his family and friends were here, plus now I'm happy that they denied my visa there, I love Poland and I met all of you!

Wow! I didn´t know this! Obviously, fate wanted that way for you and I agree that it´s better like that :) Poland is a great place for life. Plus it´s a strategic location in Europe, you can fly anywhere easily :) And of course, you are also closer to me and my family haha! :)

Yes, fate would have it that way and I agree with this one. Poland is great! And you are right, it is a strategic location and then we will be close to you to finally tell you this long story hahaha.

Awesome :) We will talk soon!

Fate worked in your favor so that Oliva was Polish 😁 @evelynchacin

You are right my friend hahahaha