Buying a cellphone

in GEMSlast year

Hello all. I hope you all are doing well. My friend had to buy a cellphone. He requested me to go with him since I have more experience in buying such accessories and gadgets. He could not afford a cellphone for more than 50k.

He is a mutual friend of us. Such a kind hearted person

Considering the financial volatility and inflation, I advised him to buy Redmi product. It is relatively cheaper and more durable. We went on to buy the phone that I currently have. After that, my friend agreed to give us a treat. We invited a mutual friend and spent some quality time reminiscing old times. I guess it was a break that I direly needed. I feel a lot more content and at peace after that outing.

Also, buying a cellphone is one of the easiest yet the toughest jobs one can do in Pakistan.

Ps. The pictures are mine taken with my Redmi note 10

Thanks for your time ☺️


Your friend must be happy about the phone cause, you made a good choice for him 😊 😊

Thanks for stopping by

You're welcome

Wow... Such an amazing friend you have.

Thank you so much

You are welcome.