"Starting Tomorrow"

in GEMS29 days ago

What a messed up spring we had in this part of the world... After having over 30 degrees Celsius in March for a few good days, all we had over the past month or so is rain and cold. It rained so much over the past 24 hours that rocks fell off a hill near a European road close to my town, and traffic was stuck for hours due to that.

Now it's all clear and "not so sunny" again... But at least the rain is over for now, and starting tomorrow, we will have a few good days to spend outdoors.

I've been so often caught up in this "starting tomorrow" mindset lately, which is ruining some personal self-improvement streaks, like for example, getting low-carb as of tomorrow or going to sleep earlier as of tomorrow, and so on and so forth...

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I don't know why, but the majority of us feel so comfortable with this shit. It's like perfection is awaiting us the next day, and this is the last one for breaking havoc and all the self-imposed rules we've set for ourselves.

I guess embracing failure, or better said, evolution through failure, is a way better strategy than simply deciding that starting tomorrow, I am going to get better. Maybe slipping less often and less aggressively is way more constructive for whatever we aim at becoming masters of than just expecting to magically quit all sorts of addictions from a specific date.

Drug addicts are given small doses of the stuff their bodies got used to until the body does not require that thing anymore, and here I am expecting to quit sugar and stay on track with a proper diet overnight... What a joker I am sometimes...

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Tomorrow does not exist, but whatever happens right now is so full of marrow and also the foundation for our future self. It is said that whatever we are right now is the result of the actions we took over the past five years or so... Maybe this holds a grain of truth, who knows...

So instead of forcing myself to not eat sweets so often, I'd rather eat some once in a while but in smaller quantities. And instead of forcing myself to embrace a restrictive diet, I will try to replace the junk with whole foods, even if I add some spices and sauces here and there that are not that healthy...

Small progress beats zero progress any time, so wish me luck!

Thanks for your attention,


The tomorrow thing has always been my problem too. LOL
Your wisdom about the future and life will definitely turn the tide.
P.S.: The dew on green land feels pure tbh.

My wisdom is not that wise, you know 😁

haha. I would doubt that with thaat content. :D