The Last Drop of Zen

in GEMS4 years ago


Time flies like a rocket when you're on vacation, in some great company that you love, or in you mid 20's, but when being in an almost global lock down/government induced quarantine, it feels like a day has way more than 24 hours. I was reading a few years ago that the modern human being doesn't live 24 hours a day anymore, when taking into account time's quality being spent, and that for us 24 hours are more like 16.

Some Einstein shit I guess, but let's look at this lock down from another perspective, the positive one, or the self benefiting one. I know that it's hard to digest such an idea, but we should try, thus what could this self imprisoning have positive in it, or what can we do to make it positive?

I would call it, first of all, a detox from life. I know it sounds weird but modern life involves quite often getting in contact with toxic people, tons of work stress, and gazillions of CO2 emissions out in the atmosphere from the hard working men's non electrical vehicles. For some weeks or even months, quite a few of us will detox themselves from all that. Are you one of them?

Now I'm not the person to complain about time, but there are for sure folks out there that were, before the pandemic, almost every day short of time. Books were waiting in the library, meditations were queued and probably some parents were waiting a phone call from their sons and daughters for long time. I guess now would be the time for all of them, because who knows when's gonna be the next lock down.

One thing that I'm doing more than I used to do before, especially during summer when I'm quite busy, is full house cleaning. I don't live in a junk yard but sometimes dust gathers in too large groups on furniture, and wherever else it can find a place to rest. No excuses anymore to really kick its ass and more... and that's I guess what most of us are doing these days.

For how long this pandemic will last, I guess just a few are aware of, and I'm not one of them, hence what I've done right from the beginning is some personal finance that was quite needed. I usually don't keep an eye too much on my balance but considering that this could be a few months long lock down... doing a bit of math and even reducing some not so needed spending will benefit me and no one else.

It is a time of introspection and I am not the only one noticing it. When out for most of the day, head drowned in paper work or whatever most of us are doing on a daily basis, taking some time for oneself and looking in the mirror not just to see how awesome we are, might be a well deserved and needed spiritual practice. Bad habits, addiction, cravings and self sabotaging behavior can be quite easily exposed during such times. All it needs is a pair of opened eyes.

Since I introduced ZEN in the title I will have to mention the gratitude that we should express for what we already have. Gratitude for the travel that we had till the governments asked us to stay inside, for the outdoor experiences, for being able to hang out with people and for the money that have. Not all share the same experiences thus in the case of the ones having some rich ones, being now constrained to live inside the same as the less fortunate ones, being thankful for they/we have, might invite more. Isn't what the law of attraction is about?

We have to be careful though and not let some of our rights and freedom be taken away with the excuse of saving us for the future from some similar pandemic. It will all gonna pass in a few months for sure, and probably one year for now, just a few will remember it, but lets be careful what the world leaders are trying to enforce for the future and be vocal when we see abuse of our privacy, rights and freedom. We still have free internet, and we just started using blockchain.

I don't know how long are you into the lock down but we're almost two weeks in here and it feels a hell of a lot. I've had times before when I was refusing to get out of the house too often, but now I would really like to get out more. I am trying to benefit of this time spent indoors and that's how I see it being better used. What about you?

Thanks for attention,