Sightseeing in the city in one of our trips Traveling is necessary for everyone

in GEMS26 days ago


Sightseeing in the city in one of our trips

The view of the sea from above is spectacular and gives a pleasant feeling
The peace that exists by the sea and coastal cities is different from everywhere

I love traveling to coastal cities where you can see and enjoy the sea from the top of the buildings and balconies or the heights of the cities.

My husband and I went to this city and we did some sightseeing and enjoyed our trip. It is one of our best trips.

After a few days of spending time with our friends, we decided to go out and walk around the city


Spending time on the beach and walking around the city . Traveling is necessary for everyone

Spending time on the beach and walking around the city was one of our entertainments in this beautiful trip

With the knowledge that traveling is necessary for everyone, some people do not travel much, and this may be because of their expenses, but I know many people who are very rich, but they do not spend money to travel.

Or they don't want to travel and they spend all and most of their time at home and they are all resting and they use their days like this.

And they don't even want to leave their safe place which is their home
I don't accept to live like this and I would like to spend some of the money I earned on travel

Because in my opinion, accumulating money is approved to a certain extent, but a lot of it is no longer necessary, and we need to feed our souls in the few times that we are in this world.

And in my opinion, traveling is one of those things that should be done, even with a low cost, it can be implemented sometimes, and it doesn't need to be far away, and you can go to nearby places that have beautiful scenery.
















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