The Coronavirus Situation In Rwanda

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

My mom was joking yesterday that the Corona virus has been trying it's dang hardest to help bring people closer together but to no avail thanks to technology namely apps, social media, and in my case, Splinterlands and steem hive related dapps.

In my defense though, these last few years she's also been guilty of the tech addiction herself, at times more than me. I actually find it funny when it happens, sometimes even reminding her that "it's bad manners to stay on the phone while at the dinner table", when I'm feeling cheeky.

Pops on the other hand, hasn't really caught the techdiction, except for his news channels and news related apps, he's always loved his news.

All things considered though, we have been conversing more than usual, even with my brothers who are abroad in countries that are more affected, The U.S, and Sweden.

So overrall, communication has seen a net positive throughout this situation we all find ourselves in.

The Coronavirus Situation in Rwanda:


Fortunately for us, we have relatively few coronavirus cases when compared to western countries. Still, although there are only 19 confirmed cases so far, they are increasing frighteningly fast as we barely had one case the previous Saturday.

Edit: The number of cases has increased from 19 to 36. Those 17 cases were travellers that were coming from abroad, and were quarantined upon arrival. Man, these numbers are getting scarier by the day.

We're now at 51 cases as of last night.


If there's one thing that Rwandans love, is hugging and kissing when they meet and greet, sometimes even for no reason when in the middle of a conversation. Suffices to say the need to abstain from those tendencies was hard to cope with the needed preventions but we getting there. Elbow to elbow is now the cool greeting style.


Another action that the government took before there was even a reported case in the country, was to install portable sinks in locations that are most visited. That goes for schools before they were put on hiatus, banks, restaurants, bus stops, etc. Update: Bars, restaurants, and such places are now officially closed, and no public events are allowed of course.

A very wise move in my opinion, although at the time when they implemented it, I thought they were being a tad paranoid as at the time there wasn't even a single case in the whole East African region, let alone in Rwanda.

I stand corrected, very corrected, and now applaud them for their swift decisions.

P.S: One man's misfortune is another man's opportunity. The company that makes these sinks was on it's way out of business prior to the outbreak, and is now booming more than ever. Oh well.

Also, we now have a testing lab in the capital and are trying to get the resources to set up more across the country.


As of Friday evening, Rwanda is under lockdown with no curfew but unneeded movements being discouraged. Also just like with most countries, flights are grounded, and only businesses that are essential to the survival of citizens are operating.


Although we have remained relatively ahead of the situation, not everyone is taking the necessary precautions, more specifically people who don't follow Worldwide news, and are underestimating the threat of the virus.

Hard to access areas:

Citizens that live in rural areas that are really far from the capital city are more often than not behind in taking the necessary prevention measures.

Many of them can't be faulted though. In the regions in which they live it can be very hard to access clean water, sometimes needing to walk for miles to a water source, fetch some, and then carry it back home.

Regardless if they understand the precarious predicament we find ourselves in, they still prefer to limit their usage of water as much as possible, using it how they always have, which is understandable to a certain extent.

To help alleviate this issue, relevant companies, the government and the people in those regions are working on solutions that will help reduce the spread while satisfying all involved parties.

Sharing is not caring:

Some of those people are to be completely blamed though, specially when it comes to alcoholics. The sharing of breweries mouth to mouth is a normal parts of the country, and despite the government having advised to not to engage in such practices, many in rural areas refuse to follow the guidelines as they believe COVID19 is largely exaggerated and is no cause to disturb their lifestyles.

Just people doing people things I guess, though I'm sure with consistent emphasis on educating them, those practices can be stopped, and only be resumed once the dust settles.


And of course as people do what people do, coronavirus related scams are on the rise, with many scammers trying to take advantage of people in these trying times. It's getting so bad the government and telecommunication companies have to send the message below to as many people as possible.


Translated Paraphrased;

Many scammers are roaming around pretending to be envoys from the government, and claiming to have the cure for COVID19 which they sell at high prices. Call 166 to report them if you happen to come across one.

My question is, why?! Just how low can people stoop?


All around the World things are looking pretty dire and it's up to every single person to save us all, by constantly washing hands, social distancing, and by not panicking or hoarding the everyday goods we all need as we try to get through this crisis.

Although Rwanda has so far seen relatively less cases, we're also at risk of seeing a much rapid increase than most countries if we're not careful as we are a tiny country with high density populations specially in the cities. So that's another factor to consider and watch out for.

Still, if every single person out there does their part, then this too shall pass, hopefully sooner than later.

How COVID19 Affects My Travel Plans:

So how has COVID19 affected my traveling plans this year? Not at all to be honest, or at least yet. Even then the only way it would affect my "traveling" antics is if the situation gets so bad I can't take motor bikes or cabs, but then again I only take cabs when I'm with many people so that can split the fare and since that is already a no go in this climate, the only way it could affect my travelings is if I can't take bikes. Dang I miss traveling!

Update: Since I started composing this article, All forms of public transportation have been suspended unless when it involves doctors, nurses, and people who are absolutely needed in this fight against COVID19.

Hence, if I'm to travel I can only walk and if then, I can't go far.

The Internet Being The Internet:

You know that feeling when you laugh at a situation or joke you shouldn't be laughing at? I nearly lost it when I saw this meme.

Lord forgive me, and forgive the internet too for the internet has no chill.🤣🤣

On lighter note; I share with you a PSA proudly brought to you by various Africans, featuring Cardi B. Enjoy, laugh it out, and don't forget to, santize!


Coronavirus PSA - by 2nacheki - Youtube



Stay safe, and I hope things get better for all very soon

Thanks, same to you and yours!

Thank you for keeping us up to date about the effects of the Corona virus in your area. It is one thing to hear it on the news, but even better to get the information from a person on the ground.

I understand the problems that can be caused by your people's cultural norms. I grew up in a predominently Hispanic community and during my teen years, my foster parents were Puerto Rican. The Latin culture is a very effectionate one where hugging and kissing is also part of the culture especially among extended family members.

The video you shared by Lord Sky? EPIC!

Thank you for sharing this post on the PYPT Show. I really enjoyed it.

I guess it is a good thing that your pops is not a Tech Addict? 🤣

And thank you for the brief history on your culture, sounds like we're more similar than different despite the huge distances between our people. But yeah, I hope they'll try to cool down on those norms until this crisis is over at least.

I'm not gonna lie, I been checking that video regularly since I first saw it. Yes it's mixed by Lord Sky, a nigerian artist/composer

Yup, it's a good thing he not, 4 tech addicts in my family is already too much. 😂

Cheers for passing by Sarge, I always appreciate it.

very nice post

I stock a range of coffee from Rwanda, it is pleasing to know so far you are all avoiding the worst of Coronavirus -let's all hope you continue to avoid it too.

I hope the same, and I hope we all get through this crisis asap

Don't hoard all Rwandan coffee tho ☕

School cancelled here. Thanks for letting us know how it is there!

Gracias, stay safe out there