Don't Make Room For Anxiety in Your Mind

in GEMS3 years ago

Led by your dreams.jpg

Do you often find it difficult to focus on important things and feel very messy? It could be that you give a lot of room for anxiety. Over time that anxiety takes over your mind and makes it difficult for your body to move to focus on doing important things.

Anxiety will always be there because our mind never stops thinking. The thing to do is make your mind not focus on your anxieties.

I'm going to discuss some ways to keep anxiety from dominating us.

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Everything will be Okay

You have to realize that all humans will always have problems. The problem that occurs is not to destroy your life. Life is how we react to our every problem.

So if you overreact to a problem, not the solution you get. Instead, you will only find that the problem gets bigger because it is disturbed by the panic that comes from anxiety.

Try to realize that you will be okay no matter what. Disrupt the anxiety from your mind so that the anxiety disappears from your mind. Don't make your anxiety comfortable in your mind by constantly worrying about your problems.

Focus Your Think on Goals, not Problems

What makes your anxiety worse is that there is a mistake in your focus management system.

You focus on problems and pain. It will make anxiety grow into stress and push yourself down.

Try to shift your focus on goals. So no matter how painful your failure or problems happen to you, you will remain strong because anxiety does not lead you.

Let your goals lead you.

BE Okay.jpg

Keep going. :)


Well said.

Thank you 🌻🌻🌻

You are so young and wise. I suffer from anxiety to the point where I rarely sleep. This will be the last thing I see tonight before I go to bed.

Thank you for the inspiration!

I learn a lot from many motivational videos. I was mad at my self and got anxiety deeply. I’m grateful for today I do better even for my self. So I’m glad if I can share anything based on my experience with others.

Hope you get your day better ❤️

Great motivation i got today :)

Thanks for this great advice @anggreklestari, I usually focus on the solution, though sometimes the problem can overwhelm and that does not make seeing a solution very easy, but the older I get the less any problem comes into focus, and the better I get at both finding and focus on the solution, keep up your great work, it's awesome.

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