[eng-esp]Delicious spicy potato chips with lemon//Deliciosas papas fritas picante con limón

in GEMS2 years ago


Hello friends of the hive, nice to greet you, I hope you are well, today I want to present you a different way of eating french fries, most people like it, but they are spicy and accompanied by lemon that gives them an acid touch, very delicious, I hope you like them.
<div class="pull-righHola amigos de la colmena gusto en saludarte espero se encuentre bien hoy quiero presentarle una forma diferente de comer las papas fritas a la mayoría de las personas le gusta pero están son picantes y acompañadas de limón que le da un toque ácido muy deliciosos espero les guste>


       Used materials//Materiales 
*potatoes *pepper*lemon
*papas *pimienta*limón


the first thing I do is clean and cut the potatoes into wheels, then season them with salt and pepper, and place them in a pan with hot oil
lo primero que hago es limpiar y cortar en ruedas las papas, luego las condimento con sal y pimienta, y las colocó en una sartén con aceite caliente


once they are fried to serve you, add more pepper and a little lemon, this is really to taste, it is a different and delicious way to taste the fries
una vez estén fritas para servirle le colocó más pimienta y un poco de limón, esto va se al gusto de verdad es una forma diferente y deliciosas para desgustar las papas fritas


To finish, he added a little parsley, so these delicious spicy potatoes with lemon were left
Para finalizar le colocó un poco de perejil así quedaron estas deliciosa papas picante con limón


thanks for visiting my blog 💞 God bless you//gracias por la visita a mi blog 💞 Dios los bendiga


I have tried fried potato which are spicy before but I haven't tried it with lemon and I will definitely give it a try someday.... Thanks for sharing this because I just learnt something new

I recommend it, that acidic and spicy flavor is very delicious

greetings @ariannysg
that recipe is very good, I have tried it a few times and it is super.
No doubt you have to experiment with other alternatives to see how it goes, the potato is one of my main ones