Youtube Under Fire

in GEMS4 years ago


Youtube has been kinda known for suppressing Freedom of Speech whenever they feel like something isn't going according to their narrative and that has once again come up in the topics as a Youtuber named Leafy is Here who basically is a Comedian who makes fun out of Public Figures got his channel terminated. Yes, it's not any Strikes its just terminated. Now I believe you do have to have a good sense of humor to get certain joke aspects and not all jokes are favored by everyone. But I feel like downright terminating a Chanell without any proper explanation is just a jackass kinda move. I am not a huge fan of Leafy but I did watch a couple of his videos and it is just humor based on real facts and it seems some people just don't get that.


Time and Time again we see these Centralized systems just literally purge something they don't like and frankly that just doesn't sit right with me. I like Decentralised Systems but I don't preach or push this thought of mine towards others but things like this do make me feel that I really should actively push and ask everyone I know to go the Decentralised way as that's the future that lies ahead.
That's my thought on this matter and I hope to see some comments about what you guys think about this blatant censorship.
