Quarantine Life 01 - A Random Day in the era of Corona [30.03.2020].

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


I hope you're having a great day.
Welcome back to my blog.

Here in Quarantine Life... I'm going to talk about my Quarantine Life & will try to show some photos with little stories behind those photos.

So... This was a random day in the era of corona while I went to/had to go to the mall to buy some food items.

Safety First


Yeah I started with safety.
Staying home can be the only thing that we can/should do in this situation.
But you know that... staying home will not bring us food.

So we need to go out sometime so that we don't die out of hunger while we're fearing of dying because of the virus.

But yeah... we need to be safe while we go outside in case of emergency.
I tried/am trying my best to be safe.

We're not robot but normal human.
So we can't be 100% perfect but we can try at least.

I normally use mask, hand gloves and hand sanitizer in my pocket.
Every time I touch on something outside while I don't have hand gloves, I use hand sanitizer.

Uninhabited city

I live beside the highway and beside out National Martyrs Memorial.
So it was possible to see crowd any time that I was on the road before corona.

But this time...
The road was blank.
No human being, no vehicles (only a few like ambulance, motorcycle, rickshaw for in case of emergency).

It's like a dead place which I've never seen till this little age of mine.



It's... it's like a ghost city that I've never seen in real.
I've seen cities like this in horror cinema where roads were blank... no human at sight.
Although I've seen few human.
I never thought that there'll be a day that I'll have to walk on the known road fearing that something bad might happen anytime.


The Mall (Sena Shopping Complex).

Outside of the mall



The malls main and some doors are closed for a long time.
Only one gate is open for the back side of the market where the raw market is situated.

Normally these places has been seen over-crowded for a long time and now all these place are empty, not a single man is sitting on those stairs.

People can enter the market only for raw things like vegetables, fishes, fruits and for medicine.

Yeah some pharmacies are also open in the market.

Raw Market




This is the part for vegetable and fruits.
I bought lots of vegetables and some fruits.
There ware customers inside the market but not a lot like normal time.
People are really afraid of the virus which can be a nice thing as people will be at home fearing it and it will not be able to continue spreading.

Fish Market




Yeah then the fish market.
I bought some fishes too like I needed/wanted.
There were only a few stall open.
There were not many customer but yet price of fishes were not that low.
As they were not getting customers maybe they wanted to sell fishes to customers they find with high prices.

Disinfectant In The Market



A man was spreading disinfectant spontaneously in the whole raw market and I was happy seeing that.
It's a nice initiative to kill virus/bacteria; mostly in killing corona which has sent us to self prison.

So this is all I wished to/wanted to/could show about this place.
Then I came back to my place and took a shower immediately.

That's all.

I'll come again with a new post.
Thanks for reading the post with your valuable time.

Photos of this post are my own
"The End"

That's all for now. I'll come with an interesting post again.

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"About Me"

I'm a Writer (I write poems+short stories), Traveler (I travel whenever I get free times and resources as it's a part of my life actually), Photographer (I love it too much) and Designer (Currently I'm the lead designer of a private company).

In steem/hive blockchain...
I'm a curator of @tipu, @innerblocks, @minnowsupport; moderator of @actifit and support member of @steemitbd.

I am available at discord...
My Discord ID: ashikstd#5058

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"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"


i am really impressed with this write up. it is interesting

Thanks a lot for your kind words.
I appreciate it.

Nice post brother 👍

Thanks brother.
I hope you enjoyed it.