Life of One, Who is Neither a Hero Nor A Villian

in GEMS4 years ago

I knew that just walking wasn't enough to reach there, there is a sea and the wide sky, Through which I could go more fastly. But I can't swim or fly, just walking was the one thing I can afford. It ain't a heroes story that I could get some redemption and enlightenment. It's a common man's story, so there isn't gonna be some twists and turns. Everything is gonna be real and simple.


It isn't about walking in the rain, mist or hot afternoon. It's more about walking when everyone around you is walking just opposite to you and you are the one among limited travellers through that path. Every around is starting and laughing cause they have found another fool. It's the hard thing to cope with. The hardest barrier in the path is not a materialistic thing, it's just some thoughts and the fear of outcomes I have.

It isn't about my patience or perseverance that I'm still continuing in that path, I can't just turn back and walk. If I could, I have done it far before. It's the thing that is always with me I can't do something that's against the foolish thoughts inside my head, I can't even fake it. I think that's the quality one really needed, the power to do something that's completely against one's ideas.

I'm really tired, there is still a philosophy I am holding on to cover my slow walking. I'm walking slowly because I could see more things around me. Even if it's a stupid philosophy I try to put it as close as I can. Cause it's the only thing that could motivate me to go forward.

Even if I say it's a lie, there are some beautiful facts in it. I have really seen anything around me, I tried to note it down. Even the things around me become hard, those beautiful things I have seen are giving me a push to go forward.

Still not expecting magic to happen in front me, tired of waiting for it. Now I don't need any magic, all I want is some peacefulness until the journey ends.


Even if slowly, as long as it forward, it closes the gap. The future is coming, ready or not.

Yeah, as long as it's forward... 🙂