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RE: Sunday Selfie - Keeping the #facesofhive alive 😁

in GEMS β€’ 4 years ago

You didn't snap the beer but I bet there's a bottle of Heineken somewhere on the background 😁

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Nope... there's actually no Heineken there :)

Why not? :(

Not in the mood and I had some stomach aches recently. I have to be a bit cautious about that.

Oh shit, sorry about that. You look good though. Seaside chilling as always

Yeah, it's nothing severe but I need to be careful. The heart wants it but the stomach has kind of had enough... :)

Ah shit, I've been there man. I'll drink one Heineken in your honour soon

Thanks. Appreciate that. Maybe you'll have some #facesofhive post dedicated as well...

I lied...


hahaha You couldn't help yourself.
