Life Lessons.

in GEMS2 years ago (edited)
This is my first post on hive. I am yet to make an introduction post. I thought I should swim the waters first to understand how it works before making an introduction post. However, here is a little life lesson I'd like to share with you.


Mohammed Nohassi
Life is full of ups and downs, it so happens that everyone has to partake from it whether good or bad, small or big, fat or thin, it cuts across to every individual, every man has envisioned the type of life they would like to live in the future but when life hits you from left, right and center, if you are unlucky and unfortunate you might not get back on your feet, I once had a friend that was doing very well and things fell apart for him at some point.

He lost his job and was evacuated from the company's property same day, he was trying to make his company understand what had transpired but they gave him deaf ears as he was been set-up by a senior manager in his place of work. Things got worse for him that he began to sell his properties. He sold almost everything he had until he had nothing of value to sell. He was forced to send his family to his parents to stay with them until he can find his feet. The good thing about him is too that, even though, life seemed like it was all over for him, he never gave up. He kept struggling to keep himself from drowning in the vicissitudes of life. Another thing that worked for him was the fact that he had good friends who stood by him and were ready to render any form of assistance just to get him back on his feet.

After some years, he got a small job that he was managing to keep body and soul together. Unknown to him that the company he worked for years back had been looking for him because they havs realized he was an upright man. Finally they were able to locate him and offered him back his job. They also apologized for not believing him at first and putting him through so much pain but he rejected the offer since he couldn't trust them not go lay him off so easily again.

In life it's good to listen to every sides of the story as it will bring about better judgement. If they had listened to him perhaps he just might have reconsidered and accepted their offer. He was happy that they finally found out truth and compensated him since he declined to continue working with them.


Nils Stahl

The lessons in this story are:-
  • No information is insignificant.
  • listen to both sides of the story before you pass judgement
  • Be upright at all time because it pays.
  • surround yourself with good friends because you may never know when you will need them.
  • Know what you believe and stand by it.
    -Better days are always ahead, do not give up.