It was a very beautiful evening we enjoyed the time.

in GEMS3 years ago

Yesterday we spent a quality time.It was a really beautiful evening for us.Now the situation of Covid is not good in India.So break the chain of Covid infection we have to stay at home all the days.We are doing so.But to fresh and to remove depression we need to go outside.So after many days we went a village which is very close to our locality.We were three.We spend almost one hour there and enjoyed sunset of the village.


We were playing with the sun.I tried to make creativity through my camera.I know that it is not perfect but I tried.It made me delightful.One of my friends tried to hold the sun on his palm.Another one kept the sun on his finger.It was really interesting to us.Now the condition of Covid in our locality is improving.It is the sign of hope.I noticed a good thing that even people of village wear musk and maintain Covid guidelines.This kind of awareness in rural area is positive thing.

Nikon D5600Beraberia02.06.2021Nature