Everything Was Perfect ~ The Story Of A Bride

in GEMS4 years ago

Everything was perfect..

"Just a day left ", she thought to herself. It was going to be a big day tomorrow, pacing from one corner to another nervously. "I am going to be someone's wife in a day"...she was so excited.

Image by FotografieLink at pixabay.com

Then she remembered the day first day they met.....it was in a friend's wedding, she was wearing this lovely gown and an uncomfortable heels. He noticed she was not comfortable on the heels so he offered her his shoes...that was it. He was such a nice gentleman and a cute one at that....hence the beginning of their love.

Snapping out of the thoughts, she decided to go see him in his apartment, spend a few hours and come back before sunset. So she left for his apartment, on getting there she knocked but then realized that it was not locked. She pushed the door and entered...still smiling she called out for him but he wasn't there. That was when she saw what she shouldn't have seen....what could not be unseen. It was written in black and white, so clear that he couldn't even deny it. With tears in her eyes she ran out of the room.

The big day came finally, everyone was excited as they finish up with the preparations. The bride was in her room all dressed up but had tears in her eyes. Her maid of honour tried to calm her down saying that she is only having a cold feet. As the maid of honour took her leave the bride started to say to herself, as she remembered all the saw at her fiancé's,"What did I do to deserve this? How did I even get here"? "I can't do this...I can't go on with this".

Image by Pexels at pixabay.com

There at the venue everything was already in place...now it was time for the bride to "walk down the aisle". 5mins passed the bride was not seen, 15mins there was no bride...few minutes later she started walking down the aisle thinking back at what she saw in his apartment.

When she got into the apartment that day, she saw and read the wedding vow he wrote...they had the most beautiful and amazing words anyone has ever written about her...so much that she felt undeserving of his love. She has had a nasty past, so she was amazed and taken aback at how she could receive such love from a person despite his knowledge of her past.

This time she was smiling while trying to hold back her tears with full conviction that she has found her man...a man who loves her for who she is. With confidence, she walked with her head up high, walking to hold the hands she vowed to never let go.

Everything was perfect and it remained perfect. 😭😪😍😍💞💕❤

Thanks to @derangedvisions for the amazing banner


Aww, what a sweet story with a fun twist at the end. I bet they'll be very happy together!

The twist made the hit for me lol...oh I guess they are happy. 😁 🤗💞

What a beautiful story you wrote. Actually lot of bride's think like that before her marriage. She was think her past life and how everything was happened? I don't want mentioned that because you know that. Before read this story I show to my wife and invited to read this. After read it I asked her how was felt this story. She told me this story very well deserve to brides real thoughts.*

Awnn your words are so heartwarming, lot of brides feel that way but this is like a reminder that they deserve all the happiness on that day as long as they are true and sincere with their feelings. Am happy your wife liked the story too...it means a lot. Thanks for stopping by @madushanka . 💕🤗

haha, you really kept us in suspense there :)

It was a good one isn't?...lol. Am glad you stopped by, thank you. 🤗

Beautiful story @bliss11. I was trying to work on a story such as this, but go sidetracked with other things getting ready for the May Redfish Rally. I liked your ending. Will he ever find out her past? and will it be the end of their relationship? Inquiring minds want to know, lol.

Take care and have as good of a weekend as you can hope to have.