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RE: Reflexiones de un adicto (Bilingual) || Reflections of an addict

in GEMS4 years ago

Wow that honesty is so like personal , i love the fact you took the time and had the courage : the words ~ I appreciate that you read it, from the bottom of my heart, these are simple ideas or call it reflections of an addict, as I say, excuse the mess, but I do not have a template to write, I do it from the real, from the genuine, only recognizing the past, we can see in what direction our future can go and today I break with the sentences and the culture of death.......

You are great and hope is having a great time here and we all had some things that we have done in the past , look to the future and be well and become a daily blogger

I found your blog though the curation by your fellow rallier @misschance and thats why i came by and i voted


Nice message and yes, let's look forward to the future.
You may could also recommend us some musics or songs that you like in the future @brittandjosie. Why not, isn't it @rodrikun17? 😉