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RE: When my mind is floating

in GEMS4 years ago

I think that storms are an apt metaphor for whats going on now we holding to so much and the past where we don't see the storm clears a way for the future, only those that hold on get hurt, those that allow nature to take its course and adapt to it fair much better


Hey! Exactly! There will always be storms as there will always be winters and springs. It is up to us to adapt and act accordingly. Actually the only power that we have is to control our attitude and ourselves.The rest can only become an excuse for circumstances.

I find nature to be a great refuge for my mind and soul. It restores my equilibrium.

Thanks so much for always reading me, it feels nice to know I have nerdy cool reading ma posts kind of friends here😊😎📖


I agree, we cannot change the world only how we deal with what the world puts in our way, I get disheartened too with my struggles but you can let it change you or wait for change.

Lol its a pleasure, I enjoy picking your brain and reading your thoughts, I feel like your posts are honest, you're exploring and asking questions and I appreciate that

Oh you have a keen sense of observation. I do have a lot of questions and I am always curious. I feel I explore a bit of myself as well in every post. It is definetely an interesting process for me as well as a person. I appreciate that you can see that in my posts😊

Lol one of my very many useless skills, I can over analyse a lot of things. I think to remain hungry and curious is one of the few ways we can rage against the conformity of society. Everything wants us to do as we told but not do as we feel.

Real recognise real right? I feel like that's what the internet does it allows like minded people to find each other anywhere

Yeah! I heard one day a great saying, that the opposite of courage is not fear, is conformity. Oh wow that went deep for me. Just let that sink in.....

This is one quality of internet indeed, it is a good intermediary between people who in other situations would had never crossed minds. Or paths hihi

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