in GEMS3 years ago

How many steps do I take

Obesity is a disease that affects many and with it brings problems that in the long run remain to kill us faster than normal, without a doubt this year I have put a stop to continue growing sideways.

I arrived in Chile weighing approximately 60 kg and that was approximately 2 years ago, but currently I am weighing 90 kg. Where in the middle of last year I had some motivations to lose weight but it is still difficult, since there are new things to try everywhere.

So I made a goal based on exercises and a good diet, for when it causes me to eat something different, I have the disposition and it will not affect me.

Although I take 10,000 steps or even more, they are not enough to burn the amount of things that I eat between sugars and fats, years ago I did exercises and that kept my weight in order; but I have been sedentary just working and sleeping. Now I have to convert that leisure time into healthy weight and time spent in courses or something else, I could even spend more time at HIVE.

Healthy food after training

Let's see what happens from here...