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RE: Step Back and Breathe

in GEMS3 years ago

This was so refreshing. It does feel good to get out again.

Isn’t it amazing how we slowly see the transformation of us looking more like and even acting more like our parents? That was a beautiful thought you shared about your mother. 🌺

Beautiful flowers and lovely photos of them. I am beginning to appreciate the sight of them more and more ~ ♥️


Thank you so much. Lovely. You are so thoughtful in your replies, each small point that I was trying to make,

It has always amazed me, these little things called genes. In a roomful of extended family, i aee traits of my immediate family all over. I love that I could take away something from my mom. ❤ and I just realized tomorrow is Mothers Day. Actually today.

Happy Mother's Day!

I think it’s so special that you have similarities as your mom ~ ♥️

Happy Mother’s Day to you as well. I hope you enjoy every moment!

Haha! Oh, my! You give me a giggle.

Thanks for that. ❤️