Splinterlands Weekly Challenge with Mitica Headhunter

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello Everyone,



A happy Monday and a nice week ahead to all the Splinterlands battlers.
It's been the week of Bitcoin and Ethereum as we are seeing the new highs for these 2 with Bitcoin going past 34K and Ethereum above 1100!!!!! Indeed, this All Time High prices are a reason of celebration to all the Crypto lovers.
Oh, yeah, this blog needs to be about a Splinterlands battle as part of the SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge and the monster is Mitica Headhunter.

Mitica Headhunter:


Mitica Headhunter is a ranged attack Earth Splinter monster which is a widely used monster because of it's good stats even from level 1.

Statistics of Mitica Headhunter:


Mitica Headhunter is like an all-rounder because of it's humongous attack, good speed and reasonable health.
It starts with 4 ranged attack which can be a maximum of 6 as the monster is leveled up.
The speed is another + for this monster as it starts with 5 and remains the same in all the levels.
It's health starts at 5 and can increase to maximum of 6.
This early attacker monster can be put to best use if we can use this along with Javelin Thrower and that makes these 2 a deadly combo because of the better attack and good speed these 2 have.




Here I am with the details of my lineup as we can see above for a battle against Dragon splinter monster with Evens Stevens ruleset with 48 mana cap.

1. Flesh Golem:


Flesh Golem is one of the most used healing tanks and this level 4 monster gives 3 melee attack with 9 health and is a good one for me as a front monster for this battle where I planned to load many magic and ranged attack monsters including Mitica Headhunter.

2. Prismatic Energy:


48 mana cap allowed me to use this 10 health monster at start of the second line which also gives 2 magic attack and can be a good one if I have to face Water splinter as it can magic reflect.

3. Spirit Miner:


I used this for it's swift ability to increase the speed of attack of the monsters I used and this can also give me a 2 magic attack.

4. Wood Nymph:


Wood Nymph being a healer is the best suited at mid position to be followed by other magic and ranged attack monsters.

5. Mitica Headhunter:


This theme monster needs much further praising and is the gem of this lineup with highest attack for me.

6. Kron The Undying:


Another healing monster used at last position to negate the sneak attack if any.


Round 1:

Use of Spirit Miner increased the speed of the monsters and most were able to attack faster than opponent's monsters and that resulted in opponent losing out his front monster Rusty Android before it could attack.


Round 2:

Diamond Dragon got elevated to front position for opponent after the exit of Rusty Android and it and the next one Octopider got removed quickly in this round and with only ranged attack monsters to follow for the opponent, he was having a bit of disadvantage here.


Round 3:

Grim Reaper and Twisted Jester were to go in this round as the attack for opponent got diminished with each monster removal and only Cornealus was left by the end of this round.


Round 4:

Although Cornealus is a healing monster, it being a ranged attack monster, can't attack from front position and got removed with all the combined attack I have removing it.


That was a good battle with Mitica Headhunter showing it's full potential as it was the first monster to attack in each round and ensured the front monster of opponent is always under pressure to survive.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Yes, the biggies in the form of Mitica Headhunter, Kron The Undying and Flesh Golem along with Spirit Miner increasing the speed and Prismatic Energy with it's huge health were a good lineup for me and ensured an easy win.

Do you like the MITICA HEADHUNTER? Why or why not?

I always use Mitica Headhunter since it's an early attacker and also gives good attack.

That was another nice battle for me with the limited monsters I have and I enjoyed battling it out.

Wishing a Good Day to all :)

Splinterlands is a card based Blockchain game and rewards it's users in the form of Crypto Currency viz. DEC for playing the games called as battles.

It's all fun while earning some Crypto.

Not yet tried Splinterlands? You can join using this link and have some fun.



@tipu curate

Thank you sir, Earth is my strongest splinter and with recent additions of Kron The Undying and Mitica Headhunter, I almost win all the battles I play with Earth splinter.

Have a good day.

Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Good job! Everything seems easy when we choose the right cards. Stay strong in battles!

Thank you @marianaemilia.

Yes, few recent additions like Kron the Undying and Mitica Headhunter makes Earth the strongest for me.

Have a good day.

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