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RE: How I spent 5 hours trying to make a pressable button

in GEMS β€’ 2 years ago

I learned Nuxt, then I learned Nextjs, then I got a job in February, and I've been working as a web developer since then for various clients... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Thanks? Kdjdjsjdjlslkhjslls

Thanks. 😊

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Congratulations! Which do you prefer? Also, do you have some things you developed you can show? πŸ˜ƒ

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I can show you some on chat since they're privatish projects. (Are you on Telegram?)

Tbh, I've used Nextjs way more because when I had some issues with Nuxt, it was harder to find support, and since I was on a short timeline, I simply jumped ship. This was mostly due to numbers, not personal preference; I just saw there was like 5x+ the userbase on Discord and Github and was being pressured with a few k on the line.

I have since resolved the Nuxt issue I had, but I have way more experience with Nextjs, so if I had to choose, I'd pick Next because I have a few templates ready and more google-fu muscle memory, and could finish a simple site in an hour, but I'd still like to keep learning Nuxt and would work on such a project if the need arose.