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RE: How I spent 5 hours trying to make a pressable button

in GEMS4 years ago

I think that's the most effective way of learning sometimes: by example. So thank you for the offer and for showing me that. :)

Well, that's how I learned. And tbh, I think it's one of the best ways to learn. Ofc you should develop your own style, but using an already functioning structure can be really useful. And after all, much of that structure is opinionated. Some people prefer to have their code in as few files as possible, while others want to create components out of everything. Gotta' find your own way, but give yourself time and enjoy the progress!


I learned Nuxt, then I learned Nextjs, then I got a job in February, and I've been working as a web developer since then for various clients... 😂😂

Thanks? Kdjdjsjdjlslkhjslls

Thanks. 😊

Congratulations! Which do you prefer? Also, do you have some things you developed you can show? 😃

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I can show you some on chat since they're privatish projects. (Are you on Telegram?)

Tbh, I've used Nextjs way more because when I had some issues with Nuxt, it was harder to find support, and since I was on a short timeline, I simply jumped ship. This was mostly due to numbers, not personal preference; I just saw there was like 5x+ the userbase on Discord and Github and was being pressured with a few k on the line.

I have since resolved the Nuxt issue I had, but I have way more experience with Nextjs, so if I had to choose, I'd pick Next because I have a few templates ready and more google-fu muscle memory, and could finish a simple site in an hour, but I'd still like to keep learning Nuxt and would work on such a project if the need arose.