Day 12: 3 Healthy Habits - 30 days of writing challenge

in GEMS4 years ago

Challenge found here:

A healthy habit is any behavior that benefits your physical, mental, and emotional health. These habits improve your overall well-being and make you feel good. Healthy habits are hard to develop and often require changing your mindset. -

One of my healthy habits is to eat a healthy plant-based only diet.
This is what I consider healthy and I will continue to do so since I feel amazing!
People have different opinions on what healthy is which is why I also wanna say that I think the two most healthy diets in the world right now.

Is either a Vegan (Plant-based) one or a Keto one.
Both of these diets cuts out a lot of crap from your diet and here you can define what "crap" means to you, but both diets eliminate some bad stuff to some extend.
I do also eat vegan ice cream now and then, but I eat healthy on a regular basis.

Doing regular exercises is a healthy habit to get into and I am slowly getting back into the grind of lifting weights and such.
It first of all got paused because of Covid, but everything have opened up again and I have been working out more the past few weeks. My roomie and I are properly going to be doing some Rock Climbing/Bouldering here soon, which sounds really fun😄

I wanna study more. I spent last week on my coaching skills getting help from my roomie and it was awesome and I feel ready for my exam. But I could do more, I could read coaching on a daily basis, I could practice the steps and questions in my head on a daily basis, but for some reason when I am at home I tend to just sit at my computer and play games or watch youtube. Playing games is bad when you wanna be good at something else or wanna build a business, youtube isn't necessary bad, you can learn alot from youtube.
Youtube also often motivates me to get moving and get working, depending on what I watch.
But I can't get over the fact that I am addiction to the Dopamine hits I get from watching youtube x)



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