Do you think this is Body Positivity Propaganda?

in GEMS4 years ago

For the drawings of nudity and body positive, the girl was charged and she is under house arrest.

She faces 2 to 4 years in prison. How's that? I remind you that the insane Efremov (who killed the man) is also under house arrest.

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This work is parnography. She was also accused of promoting homosexuality because of her own work. Well, not fucked up?) What country do I live in?) Plant a man because of vagina drawings? Maybe the Hermitage will be closed, it is full of naked women and pisyuns

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And this is not paranography. These are generally external genitalia.

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This is the same "Propaganda"

And if I write on the canvas the liver of a person or gut, will I be closed for the propaganda of the dismembered?

How can such houses be closed / planted for such drawings?

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