In the absence of a job, creativity and determination

in GEMS3 years ago
Image made in canva

As many of you already know, I am a chef of japanese food by profession, I have been working in the field for 3 years and I consider that I have very good experience in the field. It has been a little complicated to get a job here in Lima, I think that because of the virus things have become a little difficult, so while I'm waiting for the selection of new staff I have decided to start my own venture of Japanese cuisine.

It has been a decision with a lot of meditation behind it, since fear is the first to present itself in these types of situations, but I feel that failure is a much more valuable lesson than success, since from it one learns and forges strong and intelligent people. Therefore, I decided to let go of fear and despair to start this new project.

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I myself have chosen the name, I have also designed the menu, the logo and I have created the instagram page for advertising.

What does Hiragana mean? It is one of the syllabaries for Japanese writing. The truth seemed to me an appropriate name for this venture, since I will work with Japanese fusion cuisine, there will be different flavors within the same but used in the same character, I do not know if I explain, it will not be the traditional sushi, it will be a mixture of fusion with the traditional sushi, as they say to the makis.

Basically I will work from home, obviously with all the necessary hygiene protocols (I am a person who is always looking for neatness in the kitchen). And it will be an exclusively delivery service, I will handle a small and simple menu because of the capital issue, but with the intention of seeing the business grow little by little. I am quite excited, I think this will keep me distracted and also, it will be a rewarding effect for the brain since I am a person who is used to work.

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And of course I will be showing you some recipes for making sushi at home, my menu includes many vegan versions, which are the ones I eat since I am allergic to shellfish, mollusks and some fish. I am excited and ready for this new stage, and I will continue with my job search, but in the meantime, I hope that things here work out and I can grow enough to be independent.

I have the support of my boyfriend and that motivates me a lot to do this project. I show you some pictures of my letter, I had already taken them some time ago and I decided to incorporate them.




This venture was also born thanks to Hive, so I also want to thank each and every one of the people who have given me their support, thank you very much.

I remain expectant and excited with reference to the course of the next few days, now let's say that my new job is to design and work through some social networks to attract clientele. I am sure that my product is good because I always cook from love and with the best intention, the truth is that kind of thing always changes the result.

Sometimes I believe that the universe moves some pieces so that you learn to choose the path that will bring you better teachings, sometimes you must first go through the learning, which is mostly painful and uncomfortable; and then comes the path where you will receive rewards due to your resilience.

It will be a nice experience, thank you for reading me, I send you lots of love.


Translated with the help of deepL
Photos edited in Adobe Photoshop CC
All photos are my property


Éxitos Daniela, que te vaya muy bien! Todo se ve delicioso

Ayyy muchas gracias, cruzo los dedos para que todo salga bien!!

Daniiiii. No sabía de ese talento tuyo, ¡Todo luce riquísimo! 🤤❤️ te deseo mucho éxito en tu nuevo proyecto. Si te sirve de algo, me gusta repetirme una frase de programación neurolingüística que dice "No hay errores, solo feedback", así disminuyó un poco mi miedo a errar y quedar paralizada. Sin importar lo que suceda, como mencionas, será aprendizaje para tí y feedback de la vida. Abrazooosss.

Posdata: también desconocía que había sushi versión vegana.😯

Mi Helee!! Muchísimas gracias, sii, por lo general los veganos llevan tofu y puros vegetales, cualquiera que desees. Muchísimas gracias, te mando un gran abrazoote!! 💜

¡Me encantaaaa! Mucho éxito en este nuevo proyecto...Sé que te irá genial.

Ya anhelo ver esas recetas.

Oriii muchísimas graciaas, de verdad que sí!! Voy a subir las recetas de todoo hahahaha hasta de las salsas. 💜