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RE: Oliver The Kitten

in GEMS2 years ago (edited)

Do the Dzi bead have those designs or is that your imagination? I ask because some of them look similar to Anglo-Saxon runes. I have several Buddhist bead brackets, but as they are all from Japan they either have Sanskrit on them (usually in the Siddhaṃscript, which is interesting because as I understand it they don't use that script any longer in India and it only survives in Japan and China) or various sutras in Chinese.

Snow Crash... ahh, I haven't read that since it was first released. I remember being very fascinated by the idea of memes and word viruses as given in the book. Anyway, another nice painting!


The beads are agate and primarily from Tibet. I don't know which region. They are used for meditation and protection. The natural designs have meaning, but they aren't related to Odin’s runes. I picked the designs from several websites that suit what I know about Stuart and his cat rescue work. I have some Bodhi seeds made with 108 seeds. The agate beads are beautiful, and many Western folks make the beads from clay or glass. So buyer beware!